Saturday, March 14, 2009


Here's a chart of the number of suicides in all age groups, but notice how the teen age group has a more higher rate than the older age group does.

The rate of teen suicide is rapidly increasing since 2003. 100,000 teens in the U.S. commit suicide every year...and 1,500 will try. Every 18 minutes, someone in the U.S.(including teens.) commits suicide. 12-25% of older teens have thought about suicide. It's been proven that male teens committ suicide more than girl teens, and 73% of the suicides are all by white male students. One by one, we're losing America's youth to this tragedy that must be stopped. Already, many families mourn over their children who have lost themselves to teen suicide. It's harder on the parent's than anybody else. Like a slam in the face. You have a choice. Life is a valuable thing that should be lived to the fullest.

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