Saturday, March 14, 2009


If you know somebody who is at risk of committing suicide, don't worry here are some suggestions to help you prevent that from happening. And it IS preventable.

Talk to the person, and ask "What would we do without you?" Try to convince the person not to do it! Ask them what's on their mind, and talk about it together. Talking about it helps way more than you think! If they're any problems in that person's life, think of a plan on how they can concur it together, NOT with suicide. Talk about how bad their family/friends will miss them. Be sure to be gentle when speaking with a mildly depressed or suicidal person, and don't be harsh. Make sure the person knows that you want to help, and that they have choices. Even consider therapy, which helps a lot of teens express their feelings. It's not too late to save a life from teen suicide.


There are many ways to tell if you're suicidal.:

1. If you've started to feel the lack of energy.
2. If you've been very tired and can't sleep well at night.
3. You've been thinking/talking/writing about suicide. (Even if you mention it as a joke.)
4. If you'd usually dress a certain way, but recently stopped.
(And also if you stopped doing activities you normally enjoy.)
5. If you started insulting yourself lately. (ex. I'm a failure! Don't look at me, or else YOU'LL want to suicide.)
6. Loss of interest in anything possible.
7. If you started to prepare for death. (ex. writing a will, and giving away you're prized position.)
8. And if you started physically hurting yourself. (ex. slitting you're wrist, beating yourself up, and even attempting to suicide.)

There are plenty more of course, but these are the main symptoms to prove that you are either suicidal/depressed.


Here's a chart of the number of suicides in all age groups, but notice how the teen age group has a more higher rate than the older age group does.

The rate of teen suicide is rapidly increasing since 2003. 100,000 teens in the U.S. commit suicide every year...and 1,500 will try. Every 18 minutes, someone in the U.S.(including teens.) commits suicide. 12-25% of older teens have thought about suicide. It's been proven that male teens committ suicide more than girl teens, and 73% of the suicides are all by white male students. One by one, we're losing America's youth to this tragedy that must be stopped. Already, many families mourn over their children who have lost themselves to teen suicide. It's harder on the parent's than anybody else. Like a slam in the face. You have a choice. Life is a valuable thing that should be lived to the fullest.


This is a simple question with a simple answer. They feel that they no longer have the need to live in this world anymore. A lot of teens commit suicide each year, making this one of the leading deaths in teens aged 10-19. A lot of parents/friends/relatives are also put in a big amount of pressure. They have to mourn over the lose of their friend/daughter/son/relative. Thinking about how their son/daughter isn't going to live to see the sun of tomorrow is really heart breaking. And eventually maybe that leads to suicide in them too! See, teen suicide can affect everybody you love and know. This is why you should always think before taking actions. Think:"Why am I doing this? Is it worth it? What if my parents get SO upset they commit suicide too?" You're not alone, just remember that.


-Being the outcast of either school/family life.
-Divorce/life changing events that have occurred recently.
-Drug&Alcohol Abuse. (It is said that teens who use drugs are more likely to commit suicide
than teens who don't!)
-Recently breaking up in a relationship(Or being rejected.)
-They also might have a physcology disorder (Ex. Bi-polar*)
-Nonsupporting Parents
-Being made fun of/bullied (which is a BIG cause for teens to commit suicide.)
-Being Abused by a Family Member.

And Many More...

*Bipolar-Bipolar Also known as maniac depressive disorder, is a disease in teens which causes them to act with various moods, and tempers. Nobody really knows where Teen bipolar has come from, but it cannot be cured. Although, it CAN be managed with therapy and sometimes meds.